Boat Safety Scheme – BSS COVID-19 Suspension – Planning for Changes – NR 20.005

It is our firm intention to re-start Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Examinations as soon as possible, and following the Government announcements about the next phase of the lockdown, expected on Sunday 10 May, we will be working with stakeholders on a plan to re-start, while continuing to protect and support boat owners, examiners and other people such as those working in marinas.
In the meantime, we have agreed with participating Navigation Authorities to further extend the current waiver on BSS Certifications to 31 July 2020.
As BSS Examinations have been suspended since late March, there is now a considerable backlog of boats needing to renew their Certifications. In recognition of this backlog, and by giving an end of July deadline, the navigation authorities want their customers to have enough time to arrange their examination and likewise, examiners the ability to accommodate their bookings as soon as the Government eases restrictions.
We strongly urge those boat owners who can, to book their Examinations as soon as their circumstances safely allow. This will help our Examiners to be organised so we can start getting boats Certificated as soon as we are able, to help keep the waterways safe for all to enjoy.
Please keep an eye on the BSS website and social media feeds for a commencement date and more information about preparing your boat for examination