Come and see us at Crick Boat Show this weekend

The RBOA has a stand at the Crick Boat Show this weekend.  Friday 24th May is a Trade/Preview Day, with pre-booked tickets.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday are days when the site is open to the public.  Pay on the gate, unless you have pre-booked your ticket. There is ample parking available on site.

If you already live on a boat, or are thinking of making a boat your home, come to our Stand WW54 in the Waterways Marquee, to find out what the RBOA has to offer, and how we might help you.  On the stand you can purchase a copy of our recently revised edition of the “Living Afloat” book, which costs £8 from the stand, or £5 if you join the Association on the day.

Also at Crick, RBOA is presenting a seminar on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, in the Seminar Marquee, where you can find out a lot of information about living on a boat, whether wide beam or a narrow boat, inland, on canals or rivers, or on the coast. This wil be presented by Beryl McDowall, who has lived aboard for many years, and will show slides of many different aspects of the lifestyle.  Your questions are always welcome, either at the seminar or back at our stand.  Don’t be afraid to ask, even if you think the question is silly.  We have all been in the position of starting out on our life afloat, and we are happy to share what we have learnt over the years. We look forward to seeing you.