CRT launches appeal to support small charities across its network

5th May, 2020

The Canal & River Trust has today, 5 May 2020, launched a fundraising appeal to help support the dozens of small waterway-based charities across its network which have been adversely impacted by the impacts of coronavirus.

Launched on Giving Tuesday, the global day of giving and unity, the Waterway Charities Appeal will provide support for many small community-based charities at a time when, without help, the coronavirus pandemic could have a devastating impact on them.

Announcing that he would be donating 20% of his salary for the first three months of the year to the appeal, Richard Parry, chief executive of the Canal & River Trust, said: “There are dozens of amazing small charities operating across our network who share our belief in the profound impact that waterways have on so many peoples’ lives.  These charities need our collective support at a time when their survival is jeopardised by the disruption caused by the current crisis, which has vastly reduced their activity and funding.

“I hope that those able to during this pandemic will contribute to help provide much needed funds, so these precious charities are able to play their part in supporting people on the other side of this pandemic.

“From the community boats giving trips to the disadvantaged or those with disabilities, to the activity centres that provide local children and young people in some of the most deprived parts of the country the chance to become active and engaged, what they all have in common is that they carry out their invaluable work on our wonderful waterways.  Together I hope we can support them in these uncertain times, so they can resume their vital work once this crisis abates.”

To donate, visit  100% of your donation will be distributed by the Canal & River Trust in small grants to local waterway-based community charities to ensure they can continue to operate in the months and years ahead.

Details of how charities can apply for funding from the Waterway Charities Appeal will be available on the Trust’s website.