EA Harbourmaster’s Notice

Please find attached an Environment Agency Harbourmaster’s notice for the following events.

River restrictions

When: Saturday 19 January 2019, from 9am to 4:30pm
Where: Sunbury Reach
What’s happening: Weybridge Winter Head. The navigation channel will be on the Middlesex, right hand side of the river and the Old River Channel at Shepperton between EA Sunbury Depot and the upstream side of the Desborough Channel.

When: Thursday 28 March 2019, from 12:30pm to 3:30pm and Saturday 30 March 2019, from 12:30pm to 4:30pm
Where: Henley Reach
What’s happening: The Henley Boat Races and practice. The navigation channel will established on the Berkshire, left hand side of the river. Please navigate on the Berkshire, Remenham side of Temple Island only.

When: Sunday 7 April 2019, from 8am to 1pm
Where: Henley Reach
What’s happening: Phyllis Court Club Spring Time Trial. The navigation channel will be in the centre of the river.

When: Sunday 13 October 2019, from 8am to 1pm
Where: Henley Reach
What’s happening: Phyllis Court Club Autumn Time Trial. The navigation channel will be in the centre of the river.

Many thanks
Waterways Operations Team

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