Environment Agency Harbourmaster’s Notices

The Environment Agency’s Waterways Operations team is committed to ensuring that everyone’s boating experience on the non-tidal River Thames is as safe and enjoyable as possible. Please help us achieve this aim during Henley Royal Regatta, Henley Festival and all river events by complying with the requirements of these Harbourmaster’s Notices, which have been designed to balance the needs of all river users during these events.

When: From Friday 26 May to 6am on Monday 12 June 2017
Where: Henley Reach
What’s happening: Henley Royal Regatta course construction. All boats travelling downstream must navigate on the left, Berkshire/Remenham side of the river within the regatta course. All boats travelling upstream must navigate on the right, Buckinghamshire/Fawley Court side of the river.

When: 6am Monday 12 June to 6am Wednesday 28 June 2017
Where: Henley Reach
What’s happening: Henley Royal Regatta practice and Henley Women’s Regatta. The navigation channel for river traffic will be on the Buckinghamshire, Fawley Court side of the river.

When: Wednesday 28 June to Sunday 2 July 2017
Where: Henley Reach
What’s happening: Henley Royal Regatta. Boats can only navigate in the navigation channel outside the regatta course and practice area on the right, Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire side of the river.

When: Midday Monday 3 July to 6am Friday 21 July 2017
Where: Henley Reach
What’s happening: De-construction of the Henley Royal Regatta course. All boats travelling downstream must navigate within the regatta course booms from the regatta finish to the barrier. All boats travelling upstream must navigate on the right or Buckinghamshire/Fawley side of the regatta course.

When: Wednesday 5 July to Sunday 9 July 2017
Where: Henley Reach
What’s happening: Henley Music Festival, Henley Masters Regatta and the Henley Mile Swim. All boats travelling downstream must be navigated within the regatta course and all boats travelling upstream must be navigated on the Bucks/Fawley side of the regatta course. From 7am on Friday 7 July to 6pm on Saturday 8 July and 8am to 3pm on Sunday 9 July the navigation channel for all river traffic will be on the Bucks/Fawley side of the regatta course.

When: Sunday 25 June 2017 from 8am to 7:30pm
Where: Bell Weir Reach
What’s happening: Egham Regatta. There will be a navigation channel on the right, non-towpath side of the river.

When: Sunday 25 June 2017 from 9am to 4:30pm
Where: Teddington Reach
What’s happening: Dittons Skiff and Punting Club Junior Regatta. The navigation channel will be on the Middlesex, right side of the River.

Thames Waterways Operations Team
Environment Agency

03708 506 506
[email protected]

For further information on closures and restrictions on the River Thames visit https://www.gov.uk/river-thames-conditions-closures-restrictions-and-lock-closures