Latest Update from EA on Coronavirus (Thurs. 26 March)

Please follow the link below to access urgent update for boaters on the Coronavirus (COVID 19) situation from Alice Mayne, EA National Deputy Director for Navigation and Commercial Development.

For boaters on the non-tidal Thames specifically, there is some additional information from the Harbour Master:

  • In order to protect our staff, all areas of our locksites which members of the public do not need to access to operate the lock or use facilities such as fresh water points, will be closed. This includes all campsites and lock and weir fishing sites.
  • To discourage non-essential movement of boats, all locks will be hand-wind only.
  • As a result of the prolonged (and continuing) period of strong stream conditions, a considerable number of hazard marker buoys have been moved out of position. In addition, river and weather conditions may have created new hazards (trees in the river for example) which we are unaware of. We would normally carry out a survey of all reaches at the earliest opportunity once river conditions make it safe to do so, to reposition marker buoys and install them where we identify new hazards, until such time as we can deal with them. We cannot currently do this, or carry out operations to remove hazards. Therefore, not only should all movement be restricted to essential journeys only, such journeys must be carried out with extreme caution.
  • We know that there are hazards blocking the navigation at Sunbury and Marsh locks, which are both closed until further notice.
  • In addition, hazards are restricting use of both Temple Lock and Clifton Lock. More information on these can be found at where we will also post information on any further service issues.
  • Teddington Lock is also closed, but we will consider providing a hand-wind service for short periods to enable essential journeys only. Any requests which we deem to be non-essential will be declined. Boaters requiring to transit Teddington Lock should email with their contact details. A member of our Teddington Lock team will then be in touch.

Do let us know if you have any questions and we will answer them to the best of our ability.

Thank you for support and understanding during these extraordinary and very challenging times.

Barry Russell MBE
Non Tidal Thames Harbour Master / Waterways Manager Thames Area