Dear River Users and Friends of the River
Please see below the answers to questions about local issues in response to the message sent out by EA Chief Executive James Bevan on 20 March.
From: EA Thames Waterways Operations Manager
Q What enforcement activity will you continue to carry out while Coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions are in place?
A as so far as we are able, with all waterways staff working from home in line with government guidance, we will progress existing enforcement cases. All other activity is suspended until government restrictions are eased. The only exception to this will be if our staff are needed to support the response to a major incident, and even then, only if the risk of our staff contracting or potentially spreading the virus can be adequately mitigated.
Q When do you intend to remove the sunken vessel currently preventing use of Sunbury Lock?
A We have made arrangements to refloat and remove the boat as soon as the government Coronavirus restrictions, which are preventing the specialist contractors we require for this operation from working, have been eased.
Q Do you still intend to implement a new moorings contract and if so, when?
A Evaluation of the responses has not yet been completed due to our response to the Coronavirus pandemic needing to take priority over all other activities. Subject to the suitability and affordability of the responses, we do still intend to introduce new arrangements, but this will not be possible until government coronavirus restrictions have eased.