Dear Supporter,
1. Please find attached detailed information and the registration form for this cruise. Please return the registration form as soon as you’re able to, and no later than Tuesday 24th October.
2. If you have not yet cruised tidal waters, please contact us directly so we can help ensure that your boat and crew are river-worthy.
3. As of today, there are 18 participating vessels, comprising a mix of narrow, broad, long and tall boats. There are also one or two commercial vessels who are keen to join the campaign.
4. We are using West India Dock for moorings prior to and after the cruise, so there’s plenty of space and lock capacity for additional boats. Please do your very best to join the trip. There are also opportunities as competent crew. Just let us know how you’re able to contribute.
5. Following the success of the Birmingham City Centre and Gloucester Docks campaign cruises, this cruise and the associated shore-based activity are now the main effort of the Fund Britain’s Waterways campaign.
6. As of today, 96 organisations, large and small, have joined the campaign. The petition has also been signed by 44,608 people. Please, follow the link to find out more and how to sign the petition. Fund Britain’s Waterways – Inland Waterways
7. To finish, we add that CRT are very supportive of all our efforts. To help with the campaign cruise, moorings suspensions will be in place in Limehouse Basin and Cut, and any fees associated with the cruise, such as West India Dock moorings, have been waived.
Shore-based activity.
8. If you’re unable to join us on the water, there’s also a developing plan to show support on Westminster Bridge, at the appropriate time as vessels arrive at Westminster. There’s a WhatsApp group for this shore-based activity. If you’d like to join, please send a WhatsApp message to Frances on 07734 038 297.
With our best wishes,
Frances and Andrew Phasey
A: 07850 753 633
F: 07734 038 297